五一香港出行交通参考,香港特別交通消息 / Special Traffic News
参考:香港政府一站通 时间:2018-05-01
五一香港特別交通消息 / Special Traffic News
為配合在港島區舉行的公眾遊行活動,當局將於5月1日(星期二)上午約10時30分起在銅鑼灣、灣仔及金鐘一帶分階段實施特別交通及運輸安排。怡和街(西行)、軒尼詩道(西行)及金鐘道將會間歇性封閉。54條巴士路線及5條專線小巴路線需要臨時改道,而專線小巴4A號將會暫停服務。 運輸署預計銅鑼灣、灣仔、金鐘及中環一帶的交通將會顯著擠塞。駕駛人士如非必要,請避免駕車前往受影響地區。如遇交通受阻,請保持忍讓並遵從警務人員的指示。市民如前往受影響地區,請提早計劃行程及預留額外的行程時間以免延誤,盡量使用公共交通工具,尤其鐵路服務。市民請留意公共運輸服務的改道及車站的改動,並留意傳媒廣播的最新交通消息。 有關的特別交通及運輸安排詳情已上載運輸署網頁(www.td.gov.hk)。如有任何查詢,請致電1823。 ******************** 運輸署現已推出《交通快訊》流動應用程式發布最新的交通消息。 如遇重要事故,將同步透過《香港政府通知你》發出通知。
To facilitate the public processions on Hong Kong Island, special traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented in phases in the vicinity of Causeway Bay, Wan Chai and Admiralty from about 10.30 am on 1 May (Tuesday). Yee Wo Street westbound, Hennessy Road westbound and Queensway will be intermittently closed. 54 bus routes and 5 green minibus routes will be temporarily diverted, and the service of green minibus route 4A will be suspended. The Transport Department anticipates that the traffic in the vicinity of Causeway Bay, Wan Chai, Admiralty and Central will be significantly congested. Motorists are advised to avoid driving to the affected areas unless unnecessary. They should exercise tolerance and patience in case of traffic congestion, and take heed of instructions given by the Police. Members of public who plan to go to the affected areas are advised to plan their routes early, allow more travelling time to cater for unexpected delay, use public transport services as far as possible, in particular railway services. They should pay attention to the diversions and stop relocation arrangements of the public transport services, and watch out for the latest traffic news through the media. Details of the special traffic and transport arrangements are now available on the TD's website (www.td.gov.hk). For enquiries, please call 1823. ******************** Transport Department has launched the "eTraffic News" mobile application for disseminating the latest traffic news. For major incidents, messages will also be sent through "GovHK Notifications".
由於市區預辦登機系統電腦故障,機場快綫九龍站市區預辦登機服務暫停,直至另行通告。 乘客請提早前往機場辦理登機手續,機場管理局承辦商職員正在處理。 ******************** 運輸署現已推出《交通快訊》流動應用程式發布最新的交通消息。 如遇重要事故,將同步透過《香港政府通知你》發出通知。
Due to In-town Check-in system computer fault, In-town Check-in service at Kowloon Station is temporarily suspended until further notice. Passengers are advised to leave earlier for the Airport for baggage check-in. Contractor staff of Airport Authority are handling the situation. ******************** Transport Department has launched the "eTraffic News" mobile application for disseminating the latest traffic news. For major incidents, messages will also be sent through "GovHK Notifications".
海底隧道收費廣場南行右起第一及第二條收費通道(S8及S9)已重開,南行右起第二條收費通道(S9)已改為自動繳費通道。現場已設置適當交通標誌,指導駕駛人士。 ******************** 運輸署現已推出《交通快訊》流動應用程式發布最新的交通消息。如遇重要事故,將同步透過《香港政府通知你》發出通知。
The first and second toll lane from the right(S8 and S9)of the southbound toll plaza of Cross Harbour Tunnel has been re-opened. The second toll lane from the right(S9)has been changed to an autotoll lane. Appropriate traffic signs are erected on site to guide motorists. ******************** Transport Department has launched the "eTraffic News" mobile application for disseminating the latest traffic news. For major incidents, messages will also be sent through "GovHK Notifications".